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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Weekly Devotions - August 12, 2012 - 11th Sunday after Pentecost - Lec 19B

Here is the Weekly devotion for the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, Lec 19B - August 12, 2012

Did you miss a week?  Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!

Did you miss the page last week?  Need the service project information?  Keep reading!  We'll add the service projects in order week by week to the Devotion post.

Week 1 (July 8, 2012):
Make a list together of the things that regularly need to get done at home and who does them. Examples might be: taking out trash & recycling, laundry, setting/clearing the table, yard work, taking care of pets, picking up toys, etc. If you have young children try to think of even the most simple things like wiping off a table or counter. Talk about why it’s important that everyone helps and why the things on this list are important to your family. Now say a prayer of thanks for the things you need to do and for the people who do them. Post the list on the fridge or in a visible space. Next week a new thing will be done with the list!

Week 2 (July 15, 2012): 
Get your list that you made last week.  Add to the list if you need to.  Have each person talk about one thing they did this week and how seeing it as service to one another influenced or changed the way they thought about the chore. Now do a chore switch. Each person pick a job that they normally do not do and offer to do it this week. The person who does do the job normally can show them how, give details about when to do this and any other information needed. For young children you can have them help you with something like wiping counters or setting silverware on table. Make a new list for this week of who is doing what new job.

Week 3 (July 22, 2012):
Talk about how your job switch went. What new things did you learn? Was it easy or hard? How did the other person feel about someone else taking responsibility for their normal task? Now do a job switch for one more week. Have everyone pick a new chore to do and post it.

Week Four: (July 29, 2012)

Discuss your job switch. Were there new insights? How is service to
family an important part of how we live as Christians?
Now brainstorm ideas for how your family can or does serve either
another family in your neighborhood or friends that you know. Maybe
older kids walk younger kids to school or offer babysitting. Perhaps
there are people you help by having them over for dinner or playing at
a park. Maybe there is a neighbor who needs help getting the trash out
or the plants watered or the pets walked. Think of one way you can
serve a neighbor or friend together this week or next. Make a plan for
everyone to have a part in making it happen.

Week 5:
Talk about how you served a neighbor or family member outside of your household last week. What did you do? How did that feel?
This week it's time to start thinking about school supplies and getting ready for school. Talk about how you can help one another make this transition. If you are in a home without school age people then talk about what this time of year is like for you now. All: Find out how you can pick up extra supplies for someone at your school or in your community. Research this week who is taking donations and how you can help. Check out these organizations and/or others in your local area. crayonstocalculators.org or  lwr.org (look for info on school kits) You can also talk with your worship planners/pastor about doing a blessing of the backpacks! 

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