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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Children's Sermon July 22nd, 2012 Pentecost 8

Scripture Focus: Ephesians 2: 11-22
Preparations: Gather some Legos of all different sizes and colors. You will also want one of the bases to build upon. You will need enough to build a small structure.

Faith + Open: Gather the children to a spot where they can sit around you to watch you build.

Faith+ Share: Say, “One of the things I love about building with Legos is that you can use all different sizes and colors to make a cool building! All kinds of sizes are needed as I try to make corners, window spaces, door spaces, the roof, etc. How many of you build with legos or blocks of some kind? Do you have only one size of block in your collection? (The answer will probably be “no.”) Right! It takes all kinds of blocks to make this one structure. And it can take many people to help build a big lego building. Can each of you add a piece to what I am building?

(While the children are building say) Well, today in our letter from Paul, Paul is talking to some people in a place called Ephesus who were wondering what kind of people God could use in the family of Christ. Paul tells them that God loves and needs everyone! Every person no matter what size or shape is needed to build the family of Christ! We all build upon each other and we all need each other! When we work together we build up the family of God so that we can learn, love and teach other people about God! And do you know who is our foundation? Jesus! That’s right! Just as this base we are building our structure on keeps the building solid, building on the love of Jesus in our lives keeps us solid with our friends, family and neighbors! What a wonderful thing! 

Faith + Prayer: Dear God, thank you so much for Jesus in our lives! Help us to work together to build a strong family of people who love you. Amen

Faith + Blessing:   May your eyes be opened to see all the amazing works of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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