Welcome to Our Site

We want to communicate with you in all kinds of ways and so our postings will be many and varied! We do offer a weekly children's sermon and monthly Time Together devotional on a regular basis. You can find those through the archives as well as the Children's Sermons and Resources Tabs. We hope you will leave your comments and contribute to the networking of this site!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Weekly Devotions - August 12, 2012 - 11th Sunday after Pentecost - Lec 19B

Here is the Weekly devotion for the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, Lec 19B - August 12, 2012

Did you miss a week?  Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!

Did you miss the page last week?  Need the service project information?  Keep reading!  We'll add the service projects in order week by week to the Devotion post.

Week 1 (July 8, 2012):
Make a list together of the things that regularly need to get done at home and who does them. Examples might be: taking out trash & recycling, laundry, setting/clearing the table, yard work, taking care of pets, picking up toys, etc. If you have young children try to think of even the most simple things like wiping off a table or counter. Talk about why it’s important that everyone helps and why the things on this list are important to your family. Now say a prayer of thanks for the things you need to do and for the people who do them. Post the list on the fridge or in a visible space. Next week a new thing will be done with the list!

Week 2 (July 15, 2012): 
Get your list that you made last week.  Add to the list if you need to.  Have each person talk about one thing they did this week and how seeing it as service to one another influenced or changed the way they thought about the chore. Now do a chore switch. Each person pick a job that they normally do not do and offer to do it this week. The person who does do the job normally can show them how, give details about when to do this and any other information needed. For young children you can have them help you with something like wiping counters or setting silverware on table. Make a new list for this week of who is doing what new job.

Week 3 (July 22, 2012):
Talk about how your job switch went. What new things did you learn? Was it easy or hard? How did the other person feel about someone else taking responsibility for their normal task? Now do a job switch for one more week. Have everyone pick a new chore to do and post it.

Week Four: (July 29, 2012)

Discuss your job switch. Were there new insights? How is service to
family an important part of how we live as Christians?
Now brainstorm ideas for how your family can or does serve either
another family in your neighborhood or friends that you know. Maybe
older kids walk younger kids to school or offer babysitting. Perhaps
there are people you help by having them over for dinner or playing at
a park. Maybe there is a neighbor who needs help getting the trash out
or the plants watered or the pets walked. Think of one way you can
serve a neighbor or friend together this week or next. Make a plan for
everyone to have a part in making it happen.

Week 5:
Talk about how you served a neighbor or family member outside of your household last week. What did you do? How did that feel?
This week it's time to start thinking about school supplies and getting ready for school. Talk about how you can help one another make this transition. If you are in a home without school age people then talk about what this time of year is like for you now. All: Find out how you can pick up extra supplies for someone at your school or in your community. Research this week who is taking donations and how you can help. Check out these organizations and/or others in your local area. crayonstocalculators.org or  lwr.org (look for info on school kits) You can also talk with your worship planners/pastor about doing a blessing of the backpacks! 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Children's Sermon August 5th, 2012 Pentecost 10

Scripture Focus: Ephesians 4: 1-16
Preparation: Find a Mr. or Mrs. Potato head with all the pieces.

Faith + Open: gather the children to where they will have room to move around a bit.

Faith + Share: Say “so many of you know what this is! I think we all had one when we were kids (if you did not then share that!). It is fun to put him/her together isn’t it? You can put in the eyes, the hat, arms, legs, nose, mouth. Be putting it together as you speak. What if I put the eyes where the arms go and the arms were the legs go? Would that work? What if your feet were where your ears were!? How silly is that! (make a silly potato person) No our arms and legs are where God wanted them to be so that we could walk and do many things easily.
Paul talks about how all of us together are like one body. Just as legs are very good for walking but not for hearing and arms are great for carrying and hugging but not for seeing, so each of us has something that we are good at that no one else is. What are you good at? Accept all answers. God gave you those special gifts to show God’s love to someone else. While we sometimes wish we could do something that someone else can do like being a fast swimmer or a good drawer, we can be happy about all the things We are good at. That doesn’t mean that we don’t try fun things and draw and swim but we know that we have special gifts from God that no one else does. So when we are bigger that means that some of us may be teachers, or computer people, or writers or doctors or lawyers whatever  you want! But does a teacher work in a hospital? No in a school, does a doctor work at a school? No in a hospital. So it matters where we are and how we use our special talents! A doctor in a school would have a harder time teaching math than a teacher and a teacher would have a hard time doing surgery! God makes sure that we are exactly where God wants us to be to show God’s love to the world. God is good!

Faith + Close: Prayer: Wonderful God, we are so glad that none of us are exactly alike! Thank you for our special talents and gifts! We want to use them to love you! Amen

Faith + Blessing:  May your eyes be opened to see all the amazing works of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Weekly Devotions - August 5, 2012 - 10th Sunday after Pentecost, Lec 18B

Here is the Weekly devotion for the 10th Sunday after Pentecost, Lec 18B - August 5, 2012

Did you miss a week?  Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!

Did you miss the page last week?  Need the service project information?  Keep reading!  We'll add the service projects in order week by week to the Devotion post.

Week 1 (July 8, 2012):
Make a list together of the things that regularly need to get done at home and who does them. Examples might be: taking out trash & recycling, laundry, setting/clearing the table, yard work, taking care of pets, picking up toys, etc. If you have young children try to think of even the most simple things like wiping off a table or counter. Talk about why it’s important that everyone helps and why the things on this list are important to your family. Now say a prayer of thanks for the things you need to do and for the people who do them. Post the list on the fridge or in a visible space. Next week a new thing will be done with the list!

Week 2 (July 15, 2012): 
Get your list that you made last week.  Add to the list if you need to.  Have each person talk about one thing they did this week and how seeing it as service to one another influenced or changed the way they thought about the chore. Now do a chore switch. Each person pick a job that they normally do not do and offer to do it this week. The person who does do the job normally can show them how, give details about when to do this and any other information needed. For young children you can have them help you with something like wiping counters or setting silverware on table. Make a new list for this week of who is doing what new job.

Week 3 (July 22, 2012):
Talk about how your job switch went. What new things did you learn? Was it easy or hard? How did the other person feel about someone else taking responsibility for their normal task? Now do a job switch for one more week. Have everyone pick a new chore to do and post it.

Week Four: (July 29, 2012)

Discuss your job switch. Were there new insights? How is service to
family an important part of how we live as Christians?
Now brainstorm ideas for how your family can or does serve either
another family in your neighborhood or friends that you know. Maybe
older kids walk younger kids to school or offer babysitting. Perhaps
there are people you help by having them over for dinner or playing at
a park. Maybe there is a neighbor who needs help getting the trash out
or the plants watered or the pets walked. Think of one way you can
serve a neighbor or friend together this week or next. Make a plan for
everyone to have a part in making it happen.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Children's Sermon July 29th, 2012 Pentecost 9

Scripture Focus: Ephesians 3: 14-21
Preparation: Pen and paper if desired

Faith + Open: Gather the children to where you have children’s time and open in prayer today. Dear God, we love to talk to you! Sometimes it’s a prayer in a group like today or by ourselves! We talk to you so that we can give you our love! Amen

Faith + Share: Say: We don’t normally open our time together with prayer but pray at the end of our time. When do you pray in your day? (Accept all answers.) That’s right, we pray for our meals, at night, in church, in Sunday school, maybe in the car, on the soccer field. What kinds of things to you talk to God about? (Again accept all answers) Yes, we can talk to God about all kinds of things can’t we? God listens to us no matter what we are saying. Well in the letter that Paul wrote to the Ephesians what we read today in church is not just about praying but is a prayer that Paul prays to God about the Ephesians! What did Paul pray for, a new puppy, or a new toy? No,  it’s fine to pray about those things  too! God likes to hear everything we have to say, but Paul is praying for the Ephesians to be rooted and grounded in the love of Jesus (v. 17)  that they are filled with Jesus Christ, that they are given strength and that they give glory to God always.  Those are pretty good things to pray for too don’t you think? So the Ephesians were learning that there are all kinds of things we can pray to God about! What should we pray to God about right now? If you need, write down their prayers and then pray them together!

Faith + Close: Prayer: Dear God, fill our hearts with your love. We also pray:…(Insert prayers here) Amen

Faith +Blessing:   May your eyes be opened to see all the amazing works of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

How do we speak honestly with children in times of lament?

As members of the community affected by the Aurora theater shootings, we at Faith Formation Journeys lift prayers of lament, healing, and hope for all of the families, friends and the community.
Tomorrow we will be with our congregations seeking community, comfort and peace just as you, as faithful servants of Christ, will be as well. The text of Ephesians that we selected for the children's sermon in many ways can provide comfort. Personally, I, Brigette, have chosen to use this children's sermon with the following additions. I will discuss how as part of God's family we are loved and cared for by so many people. There may be times when we are scared and unsure but God has given them many adults, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, siblings, caring adults in the church, children's ministers, pastors, Sunday school teachers, etc. who will always be honest with them and love them. We are never alone.
I will not shy away from hard questions from the children and I will answer honestly even if it is an "I don't know." But what we do know is that God is always present, always faithful and always loves us all. God's plan never includes death and violence but always includes life and healing.
I give thanks for your ministries and for your faithfulness to the word of God in a world that we don't always understand. May God surround all of us and our world with God's grace and peace. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Weekly Devotion - July 29, 2012 - 9th Sunday after Pentecost, Lec 17B

Here is the Weekly devotion for the 9th Sunday after Pentecost, Lec 17B - July 29, 2012

Did you miss a week?  Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!

Did you miss the page last week?  Need the service project information?  Keep reading!  We'll add the service projects in order week by week to the Devotion post.

Week 1 (July 8, 2012):
Make a list together of the things that regularly need to get done at home and who does them. Examples might be: taking out trash & recycling, laundry, setting/clearing the table, yard work, taking care of pets, picking up toys, etc. If you have young children try to think of even the most simple things like wiping off a table or counter. Talk about why it’s important that everyone helps and why the things on this list are important to your family. Now say a prayer of thanks for the things you need to do and for the people who do them. Post the list on the fridge or in a visible space. Next week a new thing will be done with the list!

Week 2 (July 15, 2012): 
Get your list that you made last week.  Add to the list if you need to.  Have each person talk about one thing they did this week and how seeing it as service to one another influenced or changed the way they thought about the chore. Now do a chore switch. Each person pick a job that they normally do not do and offer to do it this week. The person who does do the job normally can show them how, give details about when to do this and any other information needed. For young children you can have them help you with something like wiping counters or setting silverware on table. Make a new list for this week of who is doing what new job.

Week 3 (July 22, 2012):
Talk about how your job switch went. What new things did you learn? Was it easy or hard? How did the other person feel about someone else taking responsibility for their normal task? Now do a job switch for one more week. Have everyone pick a new chore to do and post it.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Children's Sermon July 22nd, 2012 Pentecost 8

Scripture Focus: Ephesians 2: 11-22
Preparations: Gather some Legos of all different sizes and colors. You will also want one of the bases to build upon. You will need enough to build a small structure.

Faith + Open: Gather the children to a spot where they can sit around you to watch you build.

Faith+ Share: Say, “One of the things I love about building with Legos is that you can use all different sizes and colors to make a cool building! All kinds of sizes are needed as I try to make corners, window spaces, door spaces, the roof, etc. How many of you build with legos or blocks of some kind? Do you have only one size of block in your collection? (The answer will probably be “no.”) Right! It takes all kinds of blocks to make this one structure. And it can take many people to help build a big lego building. Can each of you add a piece to what I am building?

(While the children are building say) Well, today in our letter from Paul, Paul is talking to some people in a place called Ephesus who were wondering what kind of people God could use in the family of Christ. Paul tells them that God loves and needs everyone! Every person no matter what size or shape is needed to build the family of Christ! We all build upon each other and we all need each other! When we work together we build up the family of God so that we can learn, love and teach other people about God! And do you know who is our foundation? Jesus! That’s right! Just as this base we are building our structure on keeps the building solid, building on the love of Jesus in our lives keeps us solid with our friends, family and neighbors! What a wonderful thing! 

Faith + Prayer: Dear God, thank you so much for Jesus in our lives! Help us to work together to build a strong family of people who love you. Amen

Faith + Blessing:   May your eyes be opened to see all the amazing works of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Weekly Devotion - July 22, 2012 - 8th Sunday after Pentecost - Lec 16B

Here is the Weekly devotion for the 8th Sunday after Pentecost, Lec 15B - July 22, 2012

Did you miss a week?  Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!

Did you miss the page last week?  Need the service project information?  Keep reading!  We'll add the service projects in order week by week to the Devotion post.

Week 1 (July 8, 2012):
Make a list together of the things that regularly need to get done at home and who does them. Examples might be: taking out trash & recycling, laundry, setting/clearing the table, yard work, taking care of pets, picking up toys, etc. If you have young children try to think of even the most simple things like wiping off a table or counter. Talk about why it’s important that everyone helps and why the things on this list are important to your family. Now say a prayer of thanks for the things you need to do and for the people who do them. Post the list on the fridge or in a visible space. Next week a new thing will be done with the list!

Week 2:Get your list that you made last week.  Add to the list if you need to.  Have each person talk about one thing they did this week and how seeing it as service to one another influenced or changed the way they thought about the chore. Now do a chore switch. Each person pick a job that they normally do not do and offer to do it this week. The person who does do the job normally can show them how, give details about when to do this and any other information needed. For young children you can have them help you with something like wiping counters or setting silverware on table. Make a new list for this week of who is doing what new job.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Weekly Devotion - July 15, 2012 - 7th Sunday after Pentecost - Lec 15B

Here is the Weekly devotion for the 7th Sunday after Pentecost, Lec 15B - July 15, 2012

Did you miss a week?  Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!

Did you miss the page last week?  Need the service project information?  Keep reading!  We'll add the service projects in order week by week to the Devotion post.

Week 1 (July 8, 2012):
Make a list together of the things that regularly need to get done at
home and who does them. Examples might be: taking out trash &
recycling, laundry, setting/clearing the table, yard work, taking care
of pets, picking up toys, etc. If you have young children try to think
of even the most simple things like wiping off a table or counter.
Talk about why it’s important that everyone helps and why the things
on this list are important to your family. Now say a prayer of thanks
for the things you need to do and for the people who do them. Post the
list on the fridge or in a visible space. Next week a new thing will
be done with the list!

Children’s Sermon July 15, 2012, Ephesians 1:3-14 – 7th Sunday after Pentecost

Scripture Focus: Ephesians 1:3-14

Preparation: Bring a baptismal certificate from your church, or even better, bring your own Baptismal certificate.

Faith+Open: Gather the children near your baptismal font if possible and ask them if they know what this place in the sanctuary is for.  If you cannot gather at the font, talk about baptism as the children come up, maybe remind them of the last time someone was baptized at you church.

Faith+Share:  That’s right, this is where we baptize people!  (In my setting we always have water in the font and the children are used to being splashed with water as we gather.)  I bet you are wondering why we’re here, since the stories today don’t really seem to talk about baptism at all.  Well, it’s because one the part of the letter to the Ephesians that we read makes me think about baptism!  In that letter it seems like Paul, or whoever wrote the letter, is writing to a group of people who don’t think of themselves as children of God.  He says this great thing in the letter, he says, “He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 1:5 NRSV)

Many of the people in this part of the Bible were totally new to the stories about Jesus and God.  Many of them probably felt like they did not deserve the grace and love of Jesus.  Maybe because of where they were born, or what they used to believe, or because of things that they had done.  The author of the letter is telling them that even if they were not born into a community that believes in God and Jesus, they are still part of the family.  God adopts them as God’s own children and gives them all the good things that Jesus promised.

We hear the same message today!  Even when we might not feel like we deserve God’s love or forgiveness we still get them!  God loves us and seals us with the Holy Spirit, which brings me back to baptism.  Baptism is one of the ways that we are reminded that we are all one family in God’s love and care.  When we baptize people we give them a certificate to remind them of the amazing gift of God’s love and our adoption into God’s family.

Faith+Prayer:  Loving God, thank you for this amazing family!  Teach us to love and care for each other the way that you care for us.  Amen.

Faith+Blessing:  May your eyes be opened to see all the amazing works of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

 - GB
Permission to use for nonprofit. When printing give credit to Faith Formation Journeys. Intellectual property rights apply.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weekly Devotion - July 8, 2012 - 6th Sunday after Pentecost, Lec 14b

Here is the Weekly devotion for the 6th Sunday after Pentecost, Lec 14B - July 8, 2012

Did you miss a week?  Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Faith + Home Connection July
Faith + Open: Gather everyone in the household where all can be comfortable or around the dinner table. Light a candle and open with prayer: Dear God, you give us all that we need. We thank you for all of the good things that you give us: food, housing, clothes, work (add your own here). Help us to share not just the material things that we have but our love for you! Amen.

Faith + Share: read John 6: 1-15. Page 426 in the Spark Story Bible and page 244 in the Jesus Storybook Bible. Have five pieces of bread out and two gold fish crackers 
to represent the fish.

For Children: Look at the bread and the “fish” on the table. Would that even be enough to feed your family dinner? But Jesus used just a little bit of food and fed 5,000 people! If you were there that day what would you tell people about what Jesus had done? Jesus is able to give us what we need, not always what we want. What are the things that we need? (food, clothing, shelter, family) So is a new toy a need or a want? It’s ok that we sometimes want fun things, but we have to remember that what we want is not always what we need. That is so hard for us to understand! Even for adults!

For youth and adults: When we read a story like this it is easy to think of Jesus as someone who will give us whatever we want whenever we need it. The disciples didn’t understand the true power of what Jesus could do and the people were amazed by the miracle. It’s easy to believe in God when we get a “miracle” isn’t it? What about when we pray for a miracle but don’t get it? God seemingly doesn’t “give” us what we wanted, or what we think we needed. But Jesus wasn’t interested in people believing only because of the miracle. Jesus wants people to believe because God loves them so very much and everything in our lives, miracles or not, are to show God’s love for the world. So even non-miraculous deeds can reveal God to the world. So how can we live our lives beyond thinking about miracles to show God’s love for the world?

Faith + Blessing: At the beginning of every meal this month say: Thank you for what we are given. Help us to give to others what they need to live.

Faith + Close: Extinguish the candle and pray: Giver of all things, we thank you for what we have and know that everything is a gift from you and a sign of how much you love us. Today God we pray for all of those who do not have enough food, drink, shelter or love in their lives. Help us to serve them. Amen.

Faith + Serve: Find a local food pantry and get a list of what they need. Or help serve those in need at  a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter.