Preparation: Find
a crown, or some other object that will make the children think of a classic
fairy tale king, and a towel. Put both
the crown and towel into a bag with crown on top so you can get it out first,
without showing the towel.
Faith +Open: Start by reminding the children of the Palm Sunday chant, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” Remember that great king we welcomed into Jerusalem on Sunday? Now pull out the crown.
Faith + Share: : I was thinking about that king, too, so I brought a crown. What do you think about when you see a crown, or hear about a king? (wait for a few answers – since you are in “church mode” you might get a few answers of “Jesus!” Try to get them to talk about the more fairy tale image of a mighty king.) Yeah, kings are powerful and proud! Do you think a king like that would come to your house and make your bed? Clean your room? What about cleaning your bathroom for you? No, probably not.
Well, listen to this,
I know a story where a king sat down with his friends, then he washed their
feet! No kidding, he got a towel and a
bowl of water and washed a bunch of stinky, dirty feet. How would you feel about that? A king washing your feet? Well, by now you’ve probably figured out that
I’m talking about Jesus. That might be
even more strange, don’t you think?
Jesus washing your feet!?! I
mean, he’s God’s son, he can do anything, and he chooses to wash a bunch of
feet! One of his friends, Simon Peter,
feels the same way, he tried to get Jesus to stop, but Jesus says you must let
me wash your feet, the smelliest, dirtiest part of you so that you can be
really clean. I think Jesus is talking
about more than feet here. Jesus cleans
out all the bad things that we do, all the stinky parts of our life and
forgives and loves us, even when we have stinky feet. Come back on Sunday to hear the rest of the
Faith + Blessing: Make the sign of the cross and say:
God be in my head
God be in my hear
God be on my left
God be on my right
God be in my hear
God be on my left
God be on my right
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